Aunt Mona was a sparkling diamond, a rare jewel, not commonly found.
She was valuable and desired for that specialness everyone felt when
they were near her. There is no replacement for such a person. I love
you aunt Mona. You are greatly missed.
It is a great loss when a true light is extinguished
The earth saddens
It sounds its own deep song
The skies seem a little more grey
The sun not quite so bright
But after a while time does heal
Slowly faith revives
Its tender leaves give us hope
We look at the world again
Participating the best we can
Unsteady and hurting
Understanding life must go on
We sense the gifts our loved one gave us
The care and love they held for us
The encouragment to live life at its very best
We remember the good things
Grateful for the gift to have walked with them for a while
Death is transitory
Our souls breath
Knowing we will greet them again