My thoughts to my amazing Mom

Created by Melissa 12 years ago
I love you, Mom. I can still talk to you anytime I want. I'll continue living the way you want me to. You made me become an adult again, since you and Dad took me into your home in May. I've gotten so used to you and Dad being here every day for me. You became so much more than a mom to counselor, advisor, guru, nutritionist, and all around mentor/inspiration. You're always here with us. This past Mother's Day was probably the best for both of us. So glad we got to have all those great talks and discussions about life and God. You and Dad made me see the light and brought me back. The only reason I'm handling this so well is because of all those great talks and life lessons you shared with me...otherwise, don't know how I'd be handling your passing over. Just SO glad you didn't suffer and was instantaneous. Love you so much always and forever, Mel d(^_^)b xoxoxoxoxo